Preventative Maintenance
Annually, Semi-Annually or Quarterly in accordance with OEM recommendations.
Click the link above for a Medical Gas Professional in you area.
Rebuilds/Overhauls & Replacements
In accordance with OEM recommendations of the following Medical Gas Pipeline Distribution Equipment:
Medical Air Systems & Accessories
WAGD Systems
High Pressure (Med Gas/Lab) Manifold Systems
Low Pressure (Med Gas/Lab) Manifold Systems
Nitrogen Control Panels
Patient Headwalls
Medical Vacuum Systems
Instrument Air Systems
Medical Gas Alarm Systems
Medical Gas Outlets/Inlets
Medical Gas Ceiling Columns/Booms
Equipment Management Systems
Consulting & Training for the Design, Installation & Maintenance
Medical Gas Pipeline Distribution Systems in accordance with NFPA 99 & ASSE 6000 Requirements/Standards. Our Instructors are Credentialed through NITC (ANSI) & we are a CILB Provider of the Medical Gas Systems Installers Course for the State of Florida. We train the Installers as well as the Hospital Maintenance Personnel! We will work with your Design Team to ensure that the Medical Gas & Vacuum Equipment and Distribution System meet Code Requirements as well as the facility requirements for both current as well as future needs.
Annual Inspection & Testing Service
Facility Specific Electronic Files
For Existing installations in accordance with NFPA 99 & applicable manufacturer's recommendations. Our Inspectors & Verifiers are Credentialed through NITC (ANSI) & MGPHO.
VPS, Inc. offers E-Files. With E-Files you are able to access any VPS, Inc. generated report on any smart device or computer. All Field Service, Preventative Maintenance, Verifications and Annual Inspection Reports are in one place, accessible from anywhere.
With emphasis on the Annual Inspection Reports, we have designed this interactive report with links straight to your facility-specific OEM Manuals. Discrepancy Lists are updated in real-time as discrepancies are repaired so your Work Orders can be closed out in a timely manner. All discrepancy repairs are accompanied by a Field Service Report.
With E-Files you are able to search all reports with one keyword. You are able to share your reports. You are able to bookmark, print and download.